Logo In Deed And Truth Ministries


Crowd listening to two men teach. A person with a CHE team t-shirt sits in the foreground.

“God is using Community Health Evangelism (CHE) to bring physical, emotional, relational and most importantly spiritual transformation in the villages of Tonj.”

Volunteers trained since 2016
Home visitations in 2023
Decisions for Christ in 2023

Since 2016, we have trained more than 4,000 volunteer Community Health Evangelists (CHEs), who regularly teach communities physical health lessons and Bible stories. CHE trains communities to identify assets, and to work together using these assets to improve their lives. Our CHE villages have established community schools and health dispensaries, repaired boreholes, and started community gardens to help care for widows, orphans and Internally Displaced People. The program also includes Bible listening groups using solar powered audio Bibles in local languages, Jesus Film outreaches, Medical Outreaches, and borehole drilling for villages without safe drinking water.

Currently, CHE is bringing transformation to 85 villages around Tonj. Each year, our CHE volunteers facilitate over 60,000 home visitations and see over 11,000 people decide to follow Christ. We have a dream to see God use CHE to transform 300 villages around Tonj by 2030!

Please Pray:

  • For continued volunteers in new villages to be raised up to expand the reach of the program