August 2024 Newsletter
Food Crisis Response!
We have had an incredible response to the food crisis appeal we sent out last month. Every year, South Sudan faces a severe food crisis between the months of June and October. Some years are worse than others. This year, In Deed And Truth Ministries have had people brought to our doorstep who have been found unconscious due to severe hunger.
As Mark 8:3 says, “If I send them away hungry to their homes, they will faint on the way; for some of them have come from far away.”

This lady represents thousands of women and children currently in South Sudan. Desperate, afraid, helpless, without hope and food, slowly witnessing the deterioration of her child’s health and not being able to do anything about it. She is one of many we have been able to support and we thank God they found us and we invite you to join us in praying for them
This heart-breaking image is one of many that moved us to put out a ‘call to action’ to fundraise for food distribution among our Community Health Evangelism (CHE) villages. It was reported that 70 of the 85 villages were in desperate need of food but since then we have 76 villages currently registered with us for food. That’s an estimated 12,000 people and over 75 tons of food. The estimated amount to raise was $150,000 goal and we had faith that God would provide above and beyond this amount. It is with great joy that I announce the total giving to be $193,093.14 at the time of writing this newsletter. Most of this was raised within three weeks of sharing the food crisis with our partners!! This ‘extra’ amount will easily enable us to feed all the extra villages, and help some of the 17,000 refugees currently in Tonj displaced from the civil war in North Sudan. God is so good!

“Great is God’s steadfast love towards us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord!”
Psalm 117:2
Suzy in Southern CA
My trip to Southern California was amazing. Thank you to everyone who hosted gatherings for me to share my testimony. I pray my story inspired and touched many hearts and especially those that might be struggling and needing hope. The Lord is faithful and never leaves us or forsakes us. Thank you for introducing new friends to In Deed and Truth Ministries. As our ministry has exploded in the last five years we have needed to expand our donor base. Thank you to everyone who gave so generously to our ministry during this trip. I am so blessed by the outpouring of love and support.

One of the blessings for me personally was being asked by Horizon Church Women’s Ministry to be the speaker at their annual Christmas Tea. This event will be on December 8th and 9th. Please let me know if you would be interested in attending.
As I focus more on fundraising and making new connections stateside, I ask you to pray for me and for the Lord to open doors of new opportunities for me to share. If your church does not currently support IDAT, please pray about making that introduction for us. This is one of the ways you can help support our ministry.