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September 2024 Newsletter

By Suzy Kuj

Update on the Food Crisis!

South Sudan continues to grapple with a worsening food crisis, as the impact of tribal unrest, unpredictable weather patterns, and economic instability deepens. Over 7 million people, more than half the population, face severe food insecurity, with many areas still at risk of famine. Our town and the surrounding area have not received any aid from the World Food Program or other aid agencies and In Deed and Truth Ministries (IDAT) has been their only hope. As we share the food we share the truth, that we get our hope from Jesus.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Romans 15:13
A group of men loading sacks into a truck
More trucks of food arrive

A government representative in Tonj was very happy when he witnessed the relief food distribution to refugees from North Sudan. He announced to the town that only In Deed and Truth Ministries who are doing food distribution in Toni South and Mapel, while other Non-Government Organizations are doing nothing this year to help.

So far we have bought and delivered 120 tons of food, feeding 19,000 people! Even though these numbers sound impressive we are only giving enough food to prevent starvation. Please keep praying we have one month to go.

A group of people sitting in chairs
Distribution to refugees

New Water Well Partnership!

Over the past 3 years, our IDAT team has facilitated 12 new water wells in our CHE villages. This has provided safe drinking water to thousands of people throughout Tonj who previously had been drinking contaminated surface water.

A group of men working on a construction site
IDAT Team complete a new well

These wells have had a life-changing impact in each community, however, our team is already stretched to capacity planting churches, caring for the sick in our mission hospital, and establishing Community Health Evangelism (CHE), so we have not been able to keep up with the needs. This year we started a new water well partnership with another ministry in South Sudan called Every Village, which recently purchased a powerful drilling rig. IDAT conducted community surveys, identified CHE villages in desperate need of safe drinking water, held community meetings, and shared the gospel.

A group of people working on a construction site
Every Village Partnership with IDAT

We also purchased the core materials required for the water wells such as hand pumps and pipes. The villages each raised $400 to contribute toward material costs, this provides ownership and investment in the need, breaking decades of unhealthy dependence. They also pay a subscription to the Every Village Well Maintenance Program to ensure the well continues operating effectively.

A group of men standing around the new well
One of twelve new wells

Every Village used their new rig to drill down to depths of 40-70m to reach underground aquafers of pristine water, and then installed the pipes, handpump and concrete pad to enable each of these villages to bring this pristine water into their homes.

Villagers enjoying their new well

We are grateful to Every Village for their partnership; and to each of you – our IDAT supporters whose donations have made these water wells possible. It is great when God’s people work together to bring His Kingdom!

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