November 2024 Newsletter
Women’s Conference!
Last month we distributed food to a community of Muslim refugees that fled the fighting in north Sudan. We invited them to attend our one-day women’s conference at our church and more than 100 of them came.

This powerful women’s event served as a bridge of unity and understanding, where women from different walks of life came together to learn, share stories, and experience the message of Jesus’ love and hope. Our topic was “What does it mean to be a Proverbs 31 woman?” Missionaries Sarah, Suzy, Destinee and Laurie each taught a session, with breakout sessions in between. Over 600 women attended, and the day was filled with inspiring testimonies, heartfelt prayers, and moments of genuine connection.

“There are many virtuous and capable women in the world, but you surpass them all! Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last; but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. Reward her for all she has done.”
Proverbs 31:29-31
A New Ministry!
We’re delighted to share that we have started a new ministry. As we shared that we hosted our first women’s conference at the church. The day before this conference we did a food distribution specifically for refugee women who had fled the civil war in Sudan (north). We had many Arab women come for this food distribution and we invited them to the conference.

We were thrilled to have around 100 ladies join us. Our senior pastor’s wife told us that three of the women prayed to receive Christ. Throughout the conference we bonded with these ladies and sought ways to see how we could minister to them further. This is how we found out that the majority of them would like to learn English. We agreed to teach them English if they agreed to allow us to teach them the gospel and just like that, 84 women signed up! This is how our new ministry was birthed. We have begun our English classes and what’s even better is we have now had two occasions to share the gospel with these ladies, which is the key part of this ministry.

Men’s Conference!
This month we held a Men’s conference at CC Tonj! We called it, “Every man is called to be a leader!” We created topics to share among the Pastors and male leaders and divided the time.

The Conference was opened by our own Field Director, Albino Dut. The first session was from Pastor Mabior who spoke on “leading the Church”. The second session was by Pastor Santino Bak on “leading in the community”. The third session was done by Missionary Michael Herzinger on “a Faithful man”. The fourth session was led by Pastor Joseph Kuol and called “leading the family”. The final session was led by Missionary Ben Beard entitled “A Humble man”.

We had a very enjoyable fellowship with around 300 men from the church. Communication about each topic was encouraged for 45 minutes afterwards during the breakout sessions and was animated and exciting. We are looking forward to seeing much fruit from this venture and we were bombarded with requests to do this every year. Amen!
I specifically want to do donation for the food supply. Which account or mission should I donate the money. In Christ Daniel